1. My Rotary is here in (your club name!)
My Rotary starts right here with me
True Rotary is international
Come and share Rotary with me
Refrain: O come O come!
O come and share Rotary with me!
2. Do you want to serve well your neighbour?
Without counting cost or returns?
Do you want to serve well all nations?
Without blowing horns or trumpets?
Refrain: O come O come!
O come and share Rotary with me!
3. Do you take pride in your own business?
Do you take pride in fellowship?
Do you take pride in the 4 – Way-Test?
Then come and share Rotary with us.
Refrain: O come O come!
O come and share Rotary with me!
My Rotary is here in (your club name!)
My Rotary starts right here with me
True Rotary is international
Come and share Rotary with me
Refrain: O come O come!
O come and share Rotary with me!
The above is what the first stanza is suppose to look like, there was an omission which I have corrected.
Rtn Pamilerin
RC Arepo Longnridge
Thank you very much, dear Rtn Pamilerin.
Correction noted and effected accordingly.
We appreciate your contribution.